What was your favourite phone?

Samsung has just announced a brand new phone to make your life bigger and better! The Note 7 has a stylus, curved screen, removable storage, and all the power you’d expect from a smartphone. Today our phones are our photo albums, video cameras, computers, e-books, music players, and so much more. But do you remember the olden days when a phone was mostly just a phone?

Motorolla Razr

The Power of Less

Now, every phone that comes out is insanely powerful and does so many different things. But there was a time when having a retractable antenna or the game Snake was a HUGE deal to have on your phone! Having a “slim” phone like the Motorola Razr with its futuristic, metallic num pad was a big deal! Or being able to push a button on your LG flip phone and then view the time on a tiny front facing display (saving you the effort of opening your phone) made it feel like you were a king of tech!

BB Curve

What was your first?

Did you have a favourite phone? Was it your first cell phone? Was it one you got from work? I remember getting my first Blackberry Curve (the one with the trackball and Brick Breaker) and thinking I had really MADE it in my career.

Filed under: Blackberry, cell, Krazr, Note 7, phone, Samsung