Can you believe that Marcie The Weenie is almost two years old? For those who may not be familiar, Marcie is my dog. She’s a wiener dog and it’s no secret that she’s my pride and joy. My boyfriend and I often say, “we don’t own her, she owns us”! Which is exactly why we threw her an early second birthday party October 2nd.

What does a dog birthday party consist of? Well, humans, dogs, and cake for both humans and dogs to consume! Oh, and this year’s birthday party was Charlie Brown and The Peanuts Gang themed!

Marcie Bday 4

Last year, we had 12 dogs show up for Marcie’s birthday, this year we had 16 (20 were invited).

Marcie Bday 9

Marcie Bday 10

Marcie 6

My boyfriend made a cake for the occasion, a cake for the dogs to eat.

Dog Barkday Cake:

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup of cooking oil
1/4 cup of peanut-butter
1 cup of carrots
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 banana

Mix eggs, PB, oil, carrots, and vanilla together.
Mix flour and baking soda in a separate bowl then add to the other mixture.
Cook at 350 for 40 minutes on a greased pan.
Mash PB and banana for icing. Ice cake. and grate carrots (on top as sprinkles)

Humans ate hot dogs & veggie dogs, chips, veggies, and cupcakes!

Watch the video of Marcie’s Dog Party below:

Life’s too short not to throw your dog birthday parties, that’s my motto and i’m standing by it. However, we asked guests NOT to bring any gifts for our dog…

Next year, Marcie asks that anyone who wants to buy her a gift, should make a donation to a local animal rescue instead!

Filed under: Dog Party, Marcie The Weenie